Brandt Davis

Software Developer at the Army Cyber Institute

About me

As a seasoned software engineer, my expertise spans Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and advanced frameworks including Flask, React, Django, and Svelte. My career journey led me to the Army Cyber Institute via BluePath Solutions, where I have been at the forefront of pioneering projects in cyber defense. My notable achievements include fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) to bolster decision-making in cyber defense operations.

In my role, I have consistently demonstrated leadership in team-based environments, steering projects that encompass intricate data management and AI security testing. My hands-on approach in these ventures has been instrumental in delivering cutting-edge solutions, emphasizing my role as a central figure in the development and execution of these projects.

Currently holding a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Western Governors University, I am deeply committed to the pursuit of excellence in software development and data-driven innovation. My academic endeavors, coupled with practical industry experience, have solidified a robust foundation for further skill enhancement and impactful contributions in the technology sector.


Car Budget

  • Python
  • Algorithms
  • Data
  • Machine Learning
Delivery Route Algorithm Image

This project took 500 rows of customer data and through linear regression determined a formula for determining a customer's car budget.

Delivery Route

  • Python
  • Algorithms
  • Data
Delivery Route Algorithm Image

This program reads package data from a CSV file and determines an optimal delivery route. Package constraints such as delivery deadlines and truck capacity are taken into consideration.

Appointment Setting

  • Java
  • MySQL
  • SQL
  • JavaFX
  • Object Oriented Programming
Sorting Algorithms Visualizer Image

This Java program allows users to create, update, and delete customer and appointment records. All data is stored in a MySQL database.

Type Racer Clone

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Web Application
Type Racer Clone Image

This web application is a clone of the TypeRacer website game. Users type the text letter by letter, and once the full text is typed, graphs of the user's accuracy and words per minute over time are displayed.