Type Racer Clone

1 / 4
Countdown to start
2 / 4
3 / 4
Inaccuracy in typing
4 / 4
Graphs display wpm and accuracy over time


I developed a TypeRacer inspired game that provides players with a challenging typing experience. The objective of the game is to type out a designated text accurately and at a fast pace, while the in-game engine displays the player's real-time accuracy and words per minute (WPM) progress.


If a player makes a mistake while typing, they must correct it before moving on to the next word. Despite correcting the mistake, the player's accuracy score still takes the initial error into account. This creates a sense of challenge and urgency for the player to maintain their accuracy and typing speed.


Upon completion of the text, the player is presented with a detailed analysis of their performance, including graphs showing their accuracy and WPM over time. This provides valuable insights and helps players identify areas for improvement.

To view the live website, click here: https://type-racer-clone.vercel.app/
To view the GitHub repository, click here: https://github.com/Brandt459/TypeRacerClone