Appointment Setting Application

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Customer Records
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Add Customer
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Appointment Records
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Add Appointment
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I was tasked with developing a comprehensive appointment scheduling application as part of my Software II course. The goal of the project was to create a solution that would streamline the process of scheduling and managing appointments for clients.

Upon logging into the application, users are greeted with a personalized message indicating whether they have any upcoming appointments. The application also provides a clear and organized view of the appointment schedules of each client in the database, ensuring efficient and effective management of appointments.

Through this project, I was able to further develop my skills in database integration and Java, creating a functional and practical solution for appointment scheduling.


  • Create, update, and delete customer records
  • Create, update, and delete appointment records
  • Confirmation before deleting a record
  • Greeter informing the user of any upcoming appointments in the next 15 minutes
  • Filter appointment records by month and week
  • Generate total number of appointments by a specific type and month
  • Generate total number of appointments between a date range

To view the GitHub repository, click here: